Uncoupled Array Calculator Version 2

I’ve taken the trig for designing uncoupled loudspeaker arrays and made it into its own piece of software. It is a big UI improvement over the old Excel sheet, it draws a diagram of the array, and it can export arrays as XML files for Meyer’s MAPP Online Pro. It’s written in Python, but I’ve created standalone versions for both Mac and PC.

Overview with 3 Loudspeakers

Each array parameter is on the left, with radiobuttons to select which should be calculated. With any three parameters, it’ll spit out the fourth automatically, and redraw the diagram. You can have a bunch of loudspeakers, with quantity entered manually or calculated from a listening plane length/perimeter.

Overview with More

To export an array to MAPP, click the button and follow the few steps to enter a loudspeaker model and ‘save as’ destination. In MAPP, go to File->Import->Import Individual Loudspeakers…, and that’s it.

Mapp Import

Here’s the same array from above dropped into our MAPP file:


This could also come in handy for building arrays independently of the trig, i.e., it’s a quick way of creating an array of a bunch of loudspeakers, like a 50-element straight subwoofer array.

Update 6/13/13: Thanks to feedback from Dave Stagl, Bob McCarthy, we’re now on 2.2 featuring some bug fixes and things that should make operation clearer.

12 thoughts on “Uncoupled Array Calculator Version 2”

  1. Hola Daniel como estas? este link me lo paso Magú Ramírez, serías tan amable de pasarme vía mail la versión actula del Uncoupled Array Calculator , me gustaría probarlo, en espera de una favorable respuesta, te dejo mis mas cordiales saludos! Gabriel ( Técnico de Sistemas / Jujuy / Argentina )

  2. Hi Daniel, i’d like to try the mac version of your software….thanks a lot for sharing your beautiful work.

  3. Hi Daniel,

    I’d like to try your new Mac version 2.

    furthermore I’d like to know what formula you use to calculate the M factor as described in Bob’s log and also how you calculate the Dlim percentages in the uncoupled point source table. It seems to ben Bob’s tables are based on guessing……?



    • Hey Jan,

      Thanks for visiting – I’ll email you the Mac version.

      I’m not using the Bob’s formulae exactly, but rather those found at http://www.lundbergsound.com/?p=130

      Bob’s formulae use different intermediate variables, FAR and the Unity Distance Multiplier M; as I recall, Bob did drawings of various uncoupled arrays with known parameters and then measured the resultant unknown in the drawing to get FAR and M, not guessing, so the two should give you the same results.


  4. Hey Daniel!

    I was just on a call working on a Constellation system and one of the guys cracked this open to arrange frontfills and I had never seen it before. So cool! Kudos.



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